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Dana Crawford, Director of Natural-Weight

Hometown: Deanville, TX (Near Bryan/College Station) for the past 30 years. I moved to Corpus 3 years ago, this is now my "home" and I love this city very much.

Business: Natural~Weight. Dana is also an author of three cookbooks, speaker and columnist for South Texas Women’s World and several local publications.

How long in occupation: I started my first Wellness business in 1993; owner and operator of Therapy in the Country developed in three locations; Bryan Massage Store and ultimately Water Therapy Centre.

What encouraged you to start your own business: My mom always told me I could do anything I wanted, if I just put my mind to it... (thank you mom!)

Business opened: Natural~Weight opened Feb.10, 2003 as Dana Crawford, Natural Health Counselor and became Natural~Weight with a focus on overweight kids.

Current location: 1122 Santa Fe (Dr. Childer’s old office). Natural~Weight was previously located at 921 N. Chaparral, Ste. 208.

Where do you find your motivation: There is no doubt I was put in this life to help others and the most important aspect of my life. I must help others to succeed, reach their dreams, and find themselves, ultimately becoming a better person. (Me and them!!) When I am not helping others I have a HUGE hole in my heart, and as Dr. Leroy Boriack told me over two years ago, before Natural~Weight... "You are not doing what you are supposed to be doing." He was right and I knew it. So, I changed my situation and life to be able to be "doing what I am supposed to be doing" (helping others improve their lives and their health). This is who I am.

Where do you find your strength: My strength comes from others who I am able to help. I am not able to help those who are not ready to help themselves. I do grow with each person I see blossom, and fortunately I see this a lot. When intentions are for the good, only good can come of it- bad cannot enter. This is also what I teach my clients... the more they help others reach their goals, the closer to their own goals they come.

What do you like most about your work: I love the fact that each morning when I get up, I can’t wait to get to my office so I can make myself available for someone who may need me. Now, that’s EXCITING. There is nothing about any day that I get up and receive, that I do not like. I understand there is not always a rose covered path to follow, and without the bad we would have no concept of what "good days" feel like. No person is without issues and problems, and that goes for me... sometimes it all feels so difficult to handle, but I have a very strong FAITH and know there will be a better day. Maybe not tomorrow, but there will be a better day, and oh how I will appreciate it. I consider unpleasant events a measuring stick for the good events that will follow... in other words... the worse a situation seems, the better the next good day will feel. I hope I get to help someone today.

How would you describe your work ethics: Ethics are important in all aspects of our lives: And VERY IMPORTANT to me. If you know an area is a "grey" area, and you take advantage of the "thin lines" we have opportunities at, your character will revel one of two types of personalities... one of Faith, who does not need "grey" areas to succeed; or one who takes advantage no matter what repercussions may occur. There are all kinds of people in our world and I am grateful for the diversity, but I am definitely one of Faith who does not need to stretch truths or take advantage where things should be left alone. I try to pass this along to others.

Who are your mentors: I surround myself with mentors. I need all the help I can get. Life is tough, and it is much easier if you can lean on others for suggestions and help. There is one person, who has helped me the most in my life, and his name is Joseph. Joseph became my friend many years ago when I very desperately was in need of a great many things. He helped me to understand more about myself and the effects I have on my own life and that has been the greatest gift anyone could have ever given me.

What is your definition of success: Success is only a state of mind and attitude. It is a FEELING. We rate ourselves many ways, and each individual has different scales. If I wake up each morning, and I am well, and I have purpose and direction in my life, then on that day I have been successful. I do not believe in failure, for it too is a state of mind and my mind can be changed.

What are your business goals: I am a GOAL SETTER. Natural~Weight was conceived and developed to become a franchise. An unheard of approach as many have told me, but I feel confident that Natural~Weight, in our attempts to help others, will be successful and become a franchise. I believe this will happen, as I said, I am a person of Great Faith.

What is your advice to others: Believe in yourself, acquire needed ability and skills you may lack, seek advise from as many others as possible, and USE YOUR MIND.

What is your recipe for success: Never let a minute pass that you are not implementing or devising a well thought out and written plan and goal. Update aspects of your life as often as needed, and use advice wisely. Make decisions slowly, but move quickly. Never put down another person. Keep faith always.

Community Activities: I am involved with many aspects of this community... too many to list, but I use my public speaking ability as often as anyone will allow me to spread the word about how important and how easy better health can be and how to attain it, for kids and adults. Just give me a soap box or platform... I also write articles for numerous publications. I am always glad to write or speak for any group.

Volunteer Activities: Last year, I spend some time with the kids and counselors at Bokenkamp Lutheran Home for displaced kids. I am working with Valerie and Gracie toward better nutrition and awareness of food effects on kids behavior.

What are your hobbies: My dog, Tooter is my hobby, my life, my love. We walk on North Beach, play ball, and she is very athletic. She is a Catahula Leopard (Louisiana Wild Hog Hunter) a bit aggressive, but through cooking her food and choosing non-aggressive foods for her, we are having a great time in Corpus.

What is your favorite quote: Your strength is seen in what you stand for; your weakness in what you fall for." ~ Von Goethe •

Dana Crawford is the Director of Natural~Weight in Corpus Christi located at 1122 Santa Fe at Craig St. See ad coupon this page.


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