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My Heart is Now as Big as Alaska

    Oh I do love working in a Christian Bookstore. Let me tell you why . . . I meet such wonderful people. It helps me to become a better Christian. It lets my heart grow more each and every day.

    I will now go on to explain about a lady I met in January (on a Tuesday) while working. This lady came in looking for a CD by Matthew West (a Christian artist). There was a song on the CD she wanted some people to learn. It turned out we didn’t have the CD in stock, so I told her to keep checking back. (I knew we had four on order and would be in soon). She then told me she would be going on an Emmaus Walk from that day until Sunday. I just felt overwhelmed because I loved it when I went on my Chrysalis (which is part of the Emmaus community).

    The lady then told me this story about why she wanted the CD with this particular song on it. I listened for the longest time (in between helping customers), and knew that God had put here there to share this with me. I know it was hard for her because she was almost in tears- I could see it in her eyes and the way her voice changed so rapidly while she was telling me her story.

    The story goes as follows: Her sister "was" a heroine addict... which is a bad drug to be addicted to. She met Matthew West and was friends with him before he became well known and selling CDs. Her sister started to eventually overcome her addiction (I believe is what she said) and two people she knew were going to get in a fight because of heroine. This ladies sister decided to get in the middle of the fight and before she did, she said, "If someone’s life will be spared because of me doing this- I’ll know my job here is done." So she stepped in the middle of this fight and got shot in the head and was killed. The lady said when Matthew West found out about her sister’s death, he wrote a song called, "Only Grace" for her. It is now one of his hit songs. And that is why she wanted the CD.

    So the next night, I went into work and noticed that we had three copies of the CD left. I had $13 in my wallet, which was enough to pay for the CD (with my employee discount). I bought the CD (Matthew West, History) because I knew I had to do it and get it for her. I realized (after I bought it) that I didn’t know the ladies name or how I was going to give it to her. But then it clicked in my head that Saturday night is a special night for people on the Emmaus walk. I decided I would go since it was my night off. I thought to myself, ‘I will point her out to someone and give her the CD.’ This way she would get it Sunday before leaving from the wonderful experience she is on. GOD YOU ROCK... I knew he had all this planned out for some reason or another.

    I was psyched. I opened the CD to hear it first...(the lady told me if I ever got the CD to listen to it). I wrote her this nice long letter explaining why I did what I did and that I had it on my heart to do it for her- and just do what I do best... be my loving self. I couldn’t wait for Saturday night... I was so psyched!

T    o sum this story up, I did meet the lady and gave her the CD . . . she cried. •

Heather Hanson

Corpus Christi, TX

Family Christian Store

Jodie Mytro, M.S.

Fireflies &


by Jodie Mytro, M.S.

Fireflies and butterflies

things that make my life so worthwhile

Dandelions and hugs from my son

these are the things that make me smile.

Lying in the soft, cool grass

on a blanket beneath the stars

Watching the clouds change their shape

or a falling star from afar

Walking in a meadow

where wild horses graze nearby

Or lying on the beach in the sunlight

and gazing up at the clear, blue skies

These are the things in life that make me happy

these are the things I truly love

My home, my poetry, and my beautiful son

and my Father who dwells above

Sitting by an open fire

or reading poetry and a good book

Hearing the laughter of happy children

or sleeping next to a babbling brook

Visiting family and relatives

and spending time with friends

There’s nothing better than hugs and kisses

or the sound or the rushing wind

Hearing the distant sound of a freight train

or the cooing of a dove

Reminds me of my childhood

and the things I love

Sitting on a tall mountain top

with the sigh of a breeze in my hair

Smelling the clean, cool rain after the storm

and the scent of wildflowers in the fresh air

Hearing the strumming of guitars and harps

smelling cinnamon and apple pie

Loving the taste of fresh, sweet mint

or the dance of fire and butterflies

Touching a rose petal of soft, red velvet

while I look at my son and smile

I cry tears of joyfulness

for the things that make my life so worthwhile.

Submitted by Jodie Mytro

San Antonio, TX


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